This Sunday, June 26, at Walnut Hill Church…
June 24, 2022: THE THIRD SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST LAWN PARTY COVID PROTOCOLS - Masks are optional for persons attending worship and other activities at Walnut Hill, including children. Please know that masks are welcome and available for anyone wanting to wear one. SUNDAY CONVERSATION, 10AM, COURTYARD/TRINITY HALL “Ask Me Anything” - Mike will welcome and attempt to answer any question (biblical, theological, ecclesiastical, etc) you might have. If he doesn’t know the answer, he’ll make something up. Nursery care will be available. MORNING…
Greetings to all!
June 22, 2022: Forty years, 2,000 Sundays, 240 weddings, 210 funerals, 140 baptisms, 2 congregations, so it goes “by the numbers.” More important than the numbers have been the people with whom these years and occasions have been shared, and the love of God that has made that sharing possible. I am grateful. The scripture lesson for June 26 , the Third Sunday after Pentecost… Philippians 1:3-11 Schedule for Sunday, June 26… 10am - Sunday Conversation - “Ask Me Anything” -…
This Sunday, June 19, at Walnut Hill Church…
June 17, 2022: THE SECOND SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST The Sacrament of Baptism COVID PROTOCOLS - Masks are optional for persons attending worship and other activities at Walnut Hill, including children. Please know that masks are welcome and available for anyone wanting to wear one. WHAT’S NEXT?, 10AM, COURTYARD/TRINITY HALL We continue a series of conversations regarding the transitions ahead. This Sunday we will be discussing possible topics/leaders for 10am conversations in July and August. Nursery care will be available. MORNING WORSHIP, 11AM,…
Greetings to all!
June 15, 2022: This Sunday, June 19, is Father’s Day, an occasion to reflect upon our relationships and persons who have cared for, nurtured and guided us through our lives, with particular attention to the “men” in our lives including fathers, grandfathers, uncles, mentors, neighbors, etc. Consider these reflections by Henri Nouwen… In the Broadway play Conversations with My Father, a famous author lives his life with the hope that, one day, his father, who runs a little bar in New York…
This Sunday, June 12, at Walnut Hill Church…
June 10, 2022: TRINITY SUNDAY COVID PROTOCOLS - Masks are optional for persons attending worship and other activities at Walnut Hill, including children. Please know that masks are welcome and available for anyone wanting to wear one. WHAT’S NEXT?, 10AM, COURTYARD/TRINITY HALL We continue a series of conversations regarding the transitions ahead. This Sunday a member of the Transition Committee will be with us to share information regarding the committee’s work to date, as well as to receive your questions, thoughts, ideas,…
Greetings to all!
June 8, 2022: This Sunday, June 12, is Trinity Sunday, the observance of that uniquely Christian notion of “God in three persons.” As a formal doctrine purporting to define God’s being, the "Trinity" has been the source of much debate and confusion, often more trouble than help. As a way of describing our experience of God’s presence, it can be a rich resource for reflection on our experience of “God.” Consider this prayer… Creator God, when we gaze at the…
This Sunday, June 5, at Walnut Hill Church…
June 3, 2022: THE DAY OF PENTECOST COVID PROTOCOLS - Masks are optional for persons attending worship and other activities at Walnut Hill, including children. Please know that masks are welcome and available for anyone wanting to wear one. WHAT’S NEXT?, 10AM, COURTYARD/TRINITY HALL We’ll begin a series of conversations regarding the transitions ahead, beginning with the 10am Sunday Conversation hour itself. What will it look like...format...topics? Let’s do what we have always done at 10am on Sunday mornings, “Let’s talk about it!”…
Greetings to all!
June 1, 2022: This Sunday, June 5, is the Day of Pentecost, the traditional celebration of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit as described in Acts 2. Madeleine L’Engle offers these reflections about the Holy Spirit, art (in her case writing) and prayer. The Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, is the easiest of a not-at-all-easy concept for me to understand. Any artist, great or small, knows moments when something more than [she] takes over, and she moves into…