Walnut Hill Church Welcomes Reverend Shawn E. Barkley

In January 2022, Walnut Hill Church’s minister of twenty years, the Reverend Dr. Michael L. Ward, announced his plans to retire effective June 30, 2022. Upon learning of his retirement, the WHC Vestry, Transition Team, Pulpit Nominating Committee (PNC) and Congregation began working diligently to find Walnut Hill’s next minister. On December 31, 2023, the Vestry and PNC’s chosen candidate, Reverend Shawn E. Barkley, was presented to the congregation and voted in as the fortieth minister of Walnut Hill Church. See below for a message and video from Shawn!
Please help us welcome Reverend Barkley and his family for his first sermon at Walnut Hill Church on February 4, 2024 at 11AM.
About Shawn
The Reverend Shawn E. Barkley was born in Lynchburg, VA and adopted by Dwight and Debbie Barkley, who lived in Blacksburg, VA. The family later moved to Richmond, KY where Shawn and his sister, Lauren, were raised to be active members at First Presbyterian Church. Shawn graduated from the Richmond Model School and attended Western Kentucky University; during the summers he worked at Camp Burnamwood, a Presbyterian summer camp in Irvin, KY, where he began to feel a “strong nudge from the Holy Spirit to devote my life to serving God and the church as my vocation.” Shawn later attended and graduated from Columbia Seminary, whereupon he began serving congregations in North Carolina, Kentucky, and, most recently, West Chester, Ohio. In July of 2021, Reverend Barkley celebrated his thirtieth year ordination with his congregation. Shawn is married to Amy Jo, a Richmond, KY native and graduate of Transylvania University, and has one son, Davis.

More Information
We Would Love for you to visit us!
If you wish, send us a message below with your name, e-mail, the Sunday and time you would like to attend and we will have someone here to greet you. Whether you want someone to meet you or just come on your own,
everyone is welcome.
We are located at 575 Walnut Hill Rd., Lexington, KY 40515
859-263-5304 | office@walnuthillchurchky.org