Greetings to all!
June 15, 2022:
This Sunday, June 19, is Father’s Day, an occasion to reflect upon our relationships and
persons who have cared for, nurtured and guided us through our lives, with particular
attention to the “men” in our lives including fathers, grandfathers, uncles, mentors, neighbors,
etc. Consider these reflections by Henri Nouwen…
In the Broadway play Conversations with My Father, a famous author lives his life with the
hope that, one day, his father, who runs a little bar in New York City, will read his work and
praise him for it. But it doesn’t happen. Instead, the father says to his son, “I am only Ed,
I don’t read books, just let me be Ed.” The son finally realizes that he is the one that has
to change and love his father as he is. Thus they can become brothers…One of the most
beautiful things that can happen in a human life is that parents become brothers and
sisters for their children, that children become fathers and mothers for their parents, that
brothers and sisters become friends and that fatherhood, motherhood, brotherhood, and
sisterhood are deeply shared by all the members of the family at different times and on
different occasions.
(as found in Here and Now)
The lectionary texts for June 19 , the Second Sunday after Pentecost…
Transition Summer – As we move into the Sundays of summer, Sunday Conversation
topics vary from week to week around the theme, “What’s Next.” Watch the Friday update
for details regarding this Sunday’s (June 19) 10am conversation.
Sunday School Volunteers – We continue our regular schedule of 11am lessons/activities
for children and youth. With that schedule comes the need for volunteers to help staff our
programs. One volunteer is needed each Sunday. Volunteers can choose to work with
either the nursery or the elementary age class. Lesson materials and coaching are provided
for volunteers. Visit the Sunday School Sign Up to volunteer for a Sunday upcoming.
A Congregational Meeting is called for Sunday, June 26, immediately after morning
worship. The purpose of this meeting is to end the pastoral relationship between Michael
Ward and Walnut Hill Church, effective June 30, 2022. No other business will be conducted
at the meeting. All Members/Friends of Walnut Hill Church are encouraged to attend.
A Lawn Party honoring Pastor Michael Ward and Barbara Waldmann-Ward will be held on
Sunday, June 26, Noon, at Walnut Hill. Join us for fun, food and festivities. You may
also volunteer to bring a salad or dessert for the occasion. Rsvp to the church office
( office@walnuthillchurchky. org or 859-263-5304) by June 19.
A Wheelchair? – The church has need to borrow a wheelchair for use at the June 26
Lawn Party. Use reply email to let us know if you have one we might borrow for the day.
On the Hilltop, Walnut Hill’s recent printed newsletter is available online in full color
at this link: On the Hilltop. In the newsletter you will find information about Walnut Hill’s
upcoming transition, along with inspiring articles about Walnut Hill’s outreach to the
community. Thanks to our Administrative Assistant, Jessica, for her editing work and the
several authors who contributed articles.
Cemetery Rules & Regulations are available on the Walnut Hill Church website at this
link: Cemetery Pamphlet . Walnut Hill Members/Friends may purchase and use burial
sites in the Walnut Hill Church Cemetery in accordance with its rules and regulations.
A Transition Committee is working on issues related to Mike’s upcoming retirement. For
more information regarding the committee’s work or to volunteer your service, contact
committee chair, Lyle Hanna.
Peace to all.
Mike Ward
Find Walnut Hill online at…
…the Walnut Hill website
…the Walnut Hill Facebook page
…the Walnut Hill Instagram page
…the Walnut Hill online giving portal