Welcome to Walnut Hill Church
The church was established in 1785 on land donated by Mary Todd Lincolns’ grandfather, Levi Todd. The current sanctuary was constructed in 1801 replacing a log structure and making it the oldest Presbyterian Church building in Kentucky. The church sanctuary, the adjoining Trinity Hall and cemetery are perfectly situated on land registered on the National Registry of Historic Places and are just minutes from downtown Lexington, Kentucky. The country setting, beautiful landscaping and historic buildings make Walnut Hill Church truly unique and worth visiting.
Walnut Hill Church is an ecumenical church meaning we relate to and seek unity and understanding of all Christian church traditions. While Walnut Hill Church has a long relationship with both the Presbyterian and Episcopal Church, we welcome all people who seek God’s love and comfort. Please come and join us in this beautiful place to either begin or continue your quest of faith in the Lord.
We Would Love for you to visit us!
If you wish, send us a message below with your name, e-mail, the Sunday and time you would like to attend and we will have someone here to greet you. Whether you want someone to meet you or just come on your own,
everyone is welcome.
We are located at 575 Walnut Hill Rd., Lexington, KY 40515
859-263-5304 | office@walnuthillchurchky.org