Volunteer with Walnut Hill
WHC Volunteer Opportunities
After Service Refreshments
We welcome volunteers to host refreshments after worship. Refreshments should be simple (e.g. cookies and lemonade or hand-held sandwiches, etc.) and, as weather permits, served outdoors in the courtyard.
Please click a date and fill out the form to the right to reserve a Sunday. You will receive a confirmation email shortly.
Thank you!
1st WHC Christmas Potluck
8th Cabby Boone
15th Cookie Celebration after Pageant!
22nd Barnes and Sirks
29th Christmas leftoverspalooza
5th Cookies and coffee provided – Cemetery meeting
12th Lee, Nell, Jan and Huda
19th Tom and Candy Field & Sandy Kearns
26th Tom and Candy Field & Sandy Kearns and Barbara Kennedy
2nd Cabby Boone
9th Souper Bowl Sunday
16th WHC Valentine Party
23rd Dan and Ginger Martin
2nd Whitney and Dave Olszewski
9th __________________
16th __________________
23rd Mary Jane and Joe
30th __________________
6th __________________
13th Bob and Natalie Watt
20th Easter!
27th __________________
4th __________________
11th __________________
18th __________________
25th __________________
The Catholic Action Center’s Sandwich Ministry
WHC has provided volunteers for the Catholic Action Center’s Sandwich Ministry every fourth Sunday of the month since June 2011. This volunteer opportunity involves gathering supplies, preparing 75-100 sandwiches, and delivering them to the Catholic Action Center for dispersal to men and women in need.
Instructions for food preparation and delivery are as follow:
- Prepare 75 – 100 sandwiches of any type (no mayo please!)
- Cut them in half
- Place them in a covered container that you do not need returned
- Deliver between 8AM and 8PM on the date of which you’ve signed up
- Bring them to the kitchen door on the left side of the building. Ring the doorbell and our core kitchen volunteers will retrieve them!
To sign up, please use the booking form below. Dates without names beneath are currently available. Please remember that this opportunity is only available on the fourth Sunday of each month.
Thank you!